Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Advantages and Disadvantages of Remote Working †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Advantages and Disadvantages of Remote Working. Answer: Introduction: Competencies refers to the behaviors that are observed and entails skills, knowledge and individual traits that distinguish performance levels at work place. Personality traits refers to the distinguishing qualities that make up an individual. The statement is thus partly true as competencies in jobs requires both the personality traits and attributes as well as the knowledge. The use of position descriptions to define jobs is limiting and act as a disincentive for performance. They should be thrown away, allowing roles to be more fluid; Debate this statement. Job description refers to a document that gives the description of tasks and responsibilities of a position. Disincentive for performance refers to things that are demotivating to achieve a specific goal. Position description is responsible for laying out roles in terms of their objectives, outcomes and responsibilities, how they behave and their capability and the needed effort to perform them in terms of experience and knowledge. Position description is useful in giving clarity as to the expectations of a given position, monitoring of work performance and ensuring of manageable workload. It is therefore clear that position description is key in achieving the organization goals as it defines an individuals effort required to help achieve the overall organizational goals (Gallant, 2011). How can you manage a virtual team that you cant see? There are a number of ways which are useful in connecting with remote and mobile employees. They include; Use of technology. Through the internet platform, companies can set up blogs where members discuss work related issues. The organization can also connect with the employees through the use of mobile phones and laptops (Mitchell, 2014). Video conferencing. This helps in telling the tone, facial expression as well as body language that are key in effective communication. Planning and organizing a head of time. This entails taking care of all possible disruptions that may affect the operations of the employees in good time. Trusting the employees. Since there is difference in geographical locations, developing trust is key in giving motivation to the employees in order to perform their duties effectively. Managing by objectives. Set up objectives for the employees and evaluate them based on the results or outcomes. Constant interaction. Its important to ensure calls are made and any issues of concerns are addressed amicably. Outline the advantages and disadvantages of working remotely from the perspectives of both employees and employers. Remote working refers to employees operating in new locations that are different from their businesses. Such places include; abroad and home among other places. The key advantages for being a remote worker include; Minimized cost. The employee will cut cost on transport, feeding and purchasing of clothing to meet the required dress code. Employers will equally enjoy similar benefits. Increased production level. One is able to perform a number of tasks as they tend to get minimal distractions as well as saving on the time used to travel to the various offices to perform the various roles. The employer equally saves a lot of time in having to be physically present for work to be done and can use that time for other activities (Elliot, 2017). Minimal absenteeism. In case of sickness one is able to seek medication and carry on with their expected responsibilities. The employer equally gets the work done without any worries of missing on some day as duties are already delegated to the employees. The disadvantages that are associated with remote working include; Minimal connection with colleagues. When employees cannot see their colleagues around sometimes there is less motivation to undertake their roles. For employers, they miss the opportunity to monitor work progress at different stages as well as be available for consultation when there is need by the employees. Distractions. When out of office, employees are tempted to engage in other non-related work issues that may affect their performance. The employers may also be tempted to pursue other pressing issues at home and therefore ends up losing track of work and the employees. Challenge to balance life and work. It is hard for most employees to stop engaging in home activities during working time while at home. This affects their productivity as they continually have to assume different roles. The employers equally face a similar challenge of having to balance between the two (Dittman, 2015). There are no generational differences and employers should not be expected to design jobs any differently for any employee, irrespective of age. Debate this statement. Generational difference impacts on the general outcomes of given duties at work place and thus affects the organizational goals. For instance interns at organization are viewed by administrators to be less committed to their jobs since they only work in a specified timeline. This results from their need to balance work and their professional lives. On the contrary, the interns feel discouraged by the older administrators to dismiss new ideas and proposed changes. It is therefore important to design jobs differently to suit the different generations in order to avoid constant wrangles and misunderstandings which may affect the performance of the employees (Alan et al., 2014). The implementation of work-life balance strategies in the work place only creates more equity and discrimination issues among employees. Employees with children and families get all the benefits, while the single employees get no benefits-it unfair. Debate this statement. Work life balance strategies is key in organizations since employees with children and families have other urgent issues that require their attention. This eventually affect their productivity and thus when not addressed, the organization may suffer losses. Single employees may have less commitments and thus have much focus on the job and hence work-life balance strategies helps put the employees at equal levels in order to effectively deliver at workplace. References Alan, N., Marian, B., Jane, C. John, S. (2014). Human Resource Management. Strategy and Practice. Dittman, M. (june, 2015). Monitor on Psychology. Generational differences at work. Elliot, G. (Feb, 06, 2017). Display note technologies. Advantages and Disadvantages of Remote working. Gallant, M. (april, 6, 2015). SABA HALOGEN. 7 best practises for managing remote employees. Gateway, R. 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