Friday, January 3, 2020
Challenging Modest Culture Society s Tolerance Of...
Challenging Modest Culture: Society s Tolerance of Public Art The cutting edge of the public art development, connected with the hip-hop society of breakdancing and rap music, began with African-American and Latino teenagers in Philadelphia and New York in the late 1960s (MacDonald 1). At that time graffiti to most, was considered to be a form of art work. Regardless of those that thought of it as art, there were and are still numerous individuals that loathe the graffiti movement. Works of art have been dependably charming for ages, as it is a method for self-expression and inventiveness. Artistic expressions have advanced in many ways, such as public canvases offering an approach to modern day unique artwork. Graffiti is progressively turning into a hobby. Although one of the major controversies of graffiti surround the statement that it is not art and considered vandalism, graffiti allow artists to display grateful meanings, skills and expressions to the public. In many cases, public art is used positively: to convey influential messages or simply just to have people view their ideas. The world s view of public art expression has stirred up controversy for years over whether â€Å"[it] should be officially accepted as art (Rabine 1), but by understanding its history, one could possibly change their views regarding it as a form of art. According to Harriet Senie in her article â€Å"Reframing Public Art†, she states â€Å"The public art most people know about is the object ofShow MoreRelatedThe American Culture : Key Values10736 Words  | 43 PagesThe American Culture Some Key Values †¢ Individuality †¢ Results orientation †¢ Pragmatism †¢ Direct communication style Greetings and Goodbyes For most Americans a smile and verbal greeting are appropriate. In a business context, however, a firm handshake is used. Weak handshakes can be perceived as a sign of weakness. It is likely the handshake will be brief. 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